Friday, December 11, 2009

You Can Probably Skip That Shower Today, Buddy...

The gym is a highly underrated source for comedy.

Yesterday, the guy on the treadmill next to me spent 4 or 5 minutes fumbling with his iPod and his phone (alternately dropping each one) before actually turning the treadmill on. 

He ran for 30 seconds at 4.7 MPH, then stopped to send text messages.

He got off the treadmill and walked around for a bit.

He then went over to a weight bench and got himself set up...

...and proceeded to send text messages for 5 minutes.

He then lifted the barbell (with NO weights on it) three times, sat back up, and started text messaging again.

Then his phone actually rang, so he left the room to take the call.

He came back five minutes later, picked up his stuff, announced "I gotta go pick up my kid!" to no one in particular, and left.


What made this all even better was the fact that the guy looked EXACTLY like Emeril Lagasse.  So, in my mind, each text message ended with "BAM!".

Total time at gym: 25 minutes

Text messages sent: 42

Calories burnt: 8

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