Monday, December 07, 2009

Free 'tude with Oil Change

"For $34, we can change that air filter for you."

"No, that’s OK."

"The dealership is going to charge you $82."

"I can change my own air filter."

"Oh... (long pause) Are you in the business?"

"No.  But I know how to change an air filter."

In the business?  Seriously?

I don’t want to say where I was, but it rhymes with Iffy Pubes.


Unknown said...

So they'll charge you to complete services on your car that you can take care of yourself?

What a great deal!

Patrick said...

Yeah... When you take a car in for service, they try to scare you into getting all kinds of extra stuff done. Usually the implied threat is that your car is going to blow up if you don't get this taken care of right away. Also, the car is 9 months old... So there really isn't that much that could possibly be wrong with it yet.