Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Much to my surprise, I went to my 15 year high school reunion last Friday. It was OK.

Only a few people showed up. Most of them haven't aged well. I was amazed by how many people I didn't recognize. (That might be partially my fault though... parenting seems to eat away at brain cells...)

I was glad I went. I had a better time than I thought I would. I chatted with a few people I wouldn't normally get the chance to talk to. And I think I've aged better than most.

But $6 for a beer? What the hell, people? If I'm paying that much for beer, I want to see a sporting event or people taking their clothes off.


Anonymous said...

Not that I was going to reunions before I read this, but now I really am not if there is no open bar. How do they expect people to get through those things without being completely drunk?

Patrick said...

That definitely kept the evening from getting out of control...

Anonymous said...

Yikes. I just can't believe it's time for people I know to start having 15-year reunions. Gulp. I better start going to the gym again.