(If hearing about other people's kids and dogs makes you sick to your stomach, feel free to skip this one...)
It was a big year for Little Man. The Little Dude has grown and changed so much. He is easily the smartest and cutest baby in his daycare class (possibly ever). Although he's only 14 months, Little Man is eating Cheerios at a 2 year-old level.
Right now he's got 6 teeth (4 on top, 2 on bottom) and one more coming through. Unless his teeth are really bothering him, Little Man sleeps through the night. Mom and Dad appreciate this.
Jen enjoyed a variety of cheeses this year. Jen got Pat to sign up for Facebook. Also, she worked and mommed full time for most of the year (that must be exhausting!).
Pat managed not to break any bones this year. He ran his first 5K, and celebrated his 15th high school reunion with a few people he kinda remembered.
Daisy is enjoying Little Man. I can't imagine what a full diaper would smell like if my nose was 10,000 times more powerful, but Daisy seems to enjoy it.
Happy holidays. Thanks for listening.
See you in the '09.
- Pat
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