Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Looks like I'll be bringing in my coffee from home for a while...

Are you like me? Does your skin crawl after hearing the words "drinking water" and "fecal contamination" in the same sentence?

The town where I work has a "boil your water" warning going on right now. It could last into next week.

I'm going through bottled water and hand santizer by the gallon.

Am I better off washing my hands or not washing my hands after going to bathroom?

I hate having to ask myself questions like that.


CraniumBoy said...

I don't know how to feel about that. Really.

Jen said...

I heard today that the boil-water order may last for a month.

Joel said...

Look out the window. See the people who live in the area. Now ask yourself, "Am I more comfortable with my poop or their's?"