Monday, March 07, 2005

State of the Pat Address

The Filenes registry did not make the final cut. If you've somehow seen that one, don't use it.

Angry divorced guy is back. He's our neighbor that never makes eye contact with you. In the last 8 weeks, he's been home all of 3 days. No idea where he's been. I'm hoping he's back for good, because I'd hate to have to go all summer without overhearing phone conversations like "I HOPE YOU'RE ENJOYING THE HOUSE!"

I've got a sports talk radio habit that I picked up somewhere along the way. It's been 2 - 3 hours a day. Nasty. I'm waiting for some kind of gum or patch to help me quit.

Don't be offended if you don't hear from me much over the next few months. It's going to be like the baseball playoffs. Only worse. Ten times worse.

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