Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I broke my toe in karate last night.

I was just doing some warm up kicks over the in the corner before class and I caught the edge of my foot on a mat. I knew right away that something was wrong.

It was my right pinkie toe. I looked down and it was pointing waaay to the right (almost to 3 o'clock). It hurt like a mofo.

I felt pretty stupid. And damn that hurts.

At the very least, I was able to drive myself to the hospital...

There was a 1-year-old girl in front of me in the emergency room who had fallen down the stairs and broken her leg. The poor thing was screaming her head off. I felt like such a wuss seeking medical attention for my little toe.

I was there for about an hour and a half. They took an x-ray and taped me up. If I had known that’s all they were going to do, I would have done it myself and saved the $50 co-pay. But the way the toe was pointed off to the side like that, I wasn’t sure it was going to stay attached on its own. And they let me keep the x-rays.

So far, 2004 has been quite the year for health issues.


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