Thursday, March 08, 2012

Daddy Wednesday.  Week 4.

(Parenting pro tip:  Never wear black when spending the day with a baby.  Neutral colors hide the baby blam much better.)

9:00 - 9:45  First bottle of the day is always tough.  Just waiting for the first BIG POOP of the day before we go out (him, not me).

9:46 Annnnnd... There it is.


10:05 Get dressed, Baby...  We're going out!

10:20 - 11:30 OUT!  Fresh air!  Sunshine!  Visiting!  Conversations!  With other adults!

11:30 Back home.  The house smells like stale coffee and asparagus pee with a hint of dog.  Might be time to open up a window.  (Note to self:  These are the things you don't realize when you don't leave the house.)  The boy is sleeping hard.

12:20 What is that sound?

12:22 Holy crap, Crazy Neighbor is blowing up a bouncy house.  (What other wacky antics am I missing while I'm at work during the day?)

12:30 I make a bagel for myself, then proceed to grab it from the toaster without having a plate to put it on.  Damn.  Again... Parenting kills brain cells.

1:35 Two hour nap.  Then sad.

1:45 After a bottle and a poop, he seems much better.

2:15 Aaga booga boo gabbas.

2:30 How big is Baby?  SO BIG!

2:45 - 3:00 Tummy time, peek-a-boo, rolling around on the floor, and general silliness.

3:02 I go to the bathroom then get the "Oh my God, I thought you were never coming back" look.

3:05 - 3:30 Walkies.  More fresh air.  Glorious.

3:32 I spot a hawk swooping over the area we were just walking.  LOOKING FOR TASTY TASTY BABY MEAT, NO DOUBT.

3:40 - 4:20 Unexpected second nap.  There might be something to this fresh air thing.

5:30 Back home with Mom.  I drop back down to #2 on the depth chart.

8:15 The boys are in bed.  The dog has been dewatered.  The trash has been taken out.  Magic Happy scotch Time for Daddy.

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