Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pat Leaves the House on a School Night with his Lady Friend

We had my in-laws staying with us last week. They seem to eat their body weight in toast and tea on a daily basis, but other than that, they're not too bad to have around.

Plus... Free babysitting!

We're fairly social people. We like to do stuff. But our access to the Outside World has been virtually shut off somewhat reduced since becoming parents. If we do get to leave the house these days, it's usually during daylight hours, when Little People are at their most cooperative. (Ever take an overtired toddler out in public after dark? Not recommended. They're like Gremlins.)

Last Thursday, I left work, picked up the Little Dude, brought him home to my in-laws and hustled downtown to meet up with Jen.

We went out to dinner and a show at The Rep.

Our table had a view of a relatively busy street downtown.

And there were people! Out! Doing stuff!

It simply hadn't occurred to me that all you other people still had your own lives and got to go out and do stuff (on a school night even!).

Honestly, I was shocked.

The only problem was the tiredness. Years of early morning wake-ups have conditioned my body to start shutting down at 10:00 PM. I was worried about falling asleep on the drive home. Seriously.

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