Monday, March 17, 2008

Beer Power Rankings

1. Guinness Draft

Still one of my all time favorites. Especially this time of year.

2. Sam Adam Holiday Porter

Damn, that's tasty. Just discovered this one. Got some as a gift. Unfortunately, I think it's too late to go out and grab until next winter.

3. Saranac Pomegranate Wheat

Grabbed a six pack of this on our last trip to WNY. Surprisingly drinkable. And it's got antioxidants!

4. Molson Canadian

Not a great beer, but I have an odd affection for it.

5. Sam Adams Boston Lager

Way under-appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Wait a tick - someone combined pomegranate with beer and I didn't know about it?! I must obtain some of this magical drink immediately.

Anonymous said...

Hold on a second - my girlfriend says things like "wait a tick" and I didn't know about it?