(Or, The Ravings of a Sleep Deprived Maniac...)
We're ten days into parenthood. I've been off from work to help out around the house. Just wanted to write down a few thoughts here.
Jen was amazing. Little Man came out 54 minutes after we arrived at the hospital. There was no time for drugs. Jen's regular doctor didn't even make it in until things were all done. It all happened so fast, I didn't even have time to be nervous.
After delivering without drugs, Jen got up from her bed and killed a bear with her hands and dragged it back to the cave so we could all have dinner...
I can't say enough good things about Women & Infants' Hospital. Everyone there was great.
The first night home from the hospital, you have the "Holy crap, there's no longer a team of doctors and nurses down the hall" realization. That was a little scary.
It's tough, but each day gets a little easier. You figure things out. Find shortcuts. There's really no way to fully prepare yourself until you actually do it. We're on a three hour cycle for the most part. One hour awake, two hours sleeping. Get him up, feed him, change him, walk around with him for a few minutes. Then he sleeps for two hours and you start again. All day and all night...
The most important resources in a new parent's universe are sleep, free time and coffee.
It's exhausting and amazing all at once. They're just aren't enough words to describe all the emotions you feel in a day...

That is the most perfect ORLY? face I've seen! XD
You guys are doing a great job... He'll start getting a little more interactive soon. Fun part of parenting...as soon as you figure him out, he's gonna change!
Yeah I second that. They are nature's little moving targets. As soon as you settle into a routine, BAM, they change if for no other reason than to screw you up!
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