Thursday, October 19, 2006

Calm Submissive

There's this little antique and farmstand place right up the road from us. We've been there a few times now. They have the 2 of the laziest Golden Retrievers I've ever seen.

They sit right in the middle of the floor. And it's a small store, so there's not much room to go around them. I'll walk over them and they won't even move. They look up when you first walk in to see if they know you. If not, they put their heads right back down on the ground.

They will let you come over and pet them. The tails will move a little bit. But then it's right back to perfect stillness. If you couldn't see them breathing, you would think they were stuffed dogs.

As much as I love Daisy's puppy energy, there's a small part of me that's looking forward to a time when she slows down a little bit. I'm not saying I want her to sit there all day and not move, but I'd like to be able to have her out of her crate and be able to sit still for 30 seconds.

In other words, I'm looking forward to more moments like this:

1 comment:

Austin White said...

Yeah that description sounds like a typical Golden retriever.