Sunday, February 05, 2006

There was a blood drive on campus last week. I gave.

Even though they already had me in their system, there was all kinds of paperwork to fill out. Once I had promised that I had never had sex with a monkey for drugs or money, I moved on to the interview.

Nurse: Are you here between classes? That's nice.

Me: No, I work here.

(Ahhh... My own little "On Staff!" moment.)

Seriously... It was almost ALL college girls giving blood. The only men there were my age or older (I guess dudes don't have time for giving blood).

The girl in front me was having a tough time after she finished up. She almost passed out as she was sitting with her cookies. She said she had done this six times before and never had a problem (she looked to be all of a hundred pounds... Not sure how they even let her give blood). She proceeded to beat herself up for a good 10 minutes. I made her laugh at the whole situation, and reminded her that it was lunch time and she was probably just hungry. She seemed to buy that.

Me to Nurse (on my way out): Hey, do I look pale?

Nurse: No.

Me: Then that's odd... Because I NORMALLY look fairly pale.

So, in exchange for a pint of my A+, I got a coupon for a pound of Dunkin' Donuts coffee and a few packages of cookies. Not a bad deal.

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