Sunday, September 18, 2005

Law School

Overheard at a party last night:

"I think everyone should go to law school."

-- A Third Year Law School Student.

Um... No.


Joel said...

That would create quite a traffic jam behind every passing ambulance.

CraniumBoy said...

Knowing who the third-year law student was, I don't think I'm being too harsh in saying that I'd never follow her advice on ANY subject, let alone law school.

Anonymous said...

To be fair, I think i kind of got what she meant. i think she meant about knowing how stuff, such as government, works. Which is the same reason i think everyone should try being a journalist. But then again i suppose most Americans see "journalist" right up there in the pantheon of loathed people with "lawyer" and "child molester."

CraniumBoy said...

Having worked in a law school for the last four years, and having met lawyers of every caliber and from every conceivable specialization*, I can say that what we need is better standards for general education.

*American Indian law? Admiralty law? It's a big legal world...