Monday, May 09, 2005

Pod People

I got an iPod as a gift recently. (Pretty kick-ass, huh?)

Now that I've had it for a week, I get the appeal. It's not about the technology... or the music... or even the fashion statement.

The iPod is for people with control issues. There are so many different ways it lets you hear exactly what you want to hear. It lets you feel like there is some kind of order to the universe. And that you have a say in it. You can spend hours organizing your music and actually feel like you're "getting something done."

All those people you see walking around with the white earbuds? They've got mental health issues.

I see the beauty...

1 comment:

CraniumBoy said...

So are you saying you've got control issues, or that this has given you a window on the world of those who do have them?

I don't have the urge to get an iPod, so I guess I must be more mentally healthy than I had thought.