"Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs... and take them down."- Herman J. Blume
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
Unplanned Daddy Wednesday - Barfies Edition
10:34 I get The Call from daycare. Kid #2. Full on barfies. Daycare, why don't you ever call just to say "hi"? Or see how I'm doing? Why is it always bad news?
11:00 I get to daycare and he's napping. Should I leave him? Go do some shopping and come back? Nope, they're about test the fire alarm. That would have been a short, angry nap.
I convince Kid #1 to stay at school and I'll come get him early. This is a very delicate negotiation. Would I like to have some extra time with him at home? Absolutely. But if I'm going to be cleaning up barfies, it'll be easier to only have 1 kid at home.
11:25 Made it home. Read "Dog" twice. Got a few sips of water in him. Thankfully, he's not unpleasant. Just a little out of it. He goes down for a nap relatively easily.
11:45 Open up the Barfy Clothes Bag. Whoa. The scent knocks me back. The front of his clothes are *completely* covered. Again... The utility sink saves the day.,
12:30 Still sleeping. Should I let him sleep? I should probably let him sleep. Is he going to be hungry when he wakes up?
12:35 Hey Dummy... Why don't you feed yourself while he's still sleeping?
12:45 Per Wife's orders, I Lysol everything. Even the hand sanitizer.
12:50 I watch a Twilight Zone episode. This is the one where the main character gets their wish and nothing at all bad happens to them.
1:05 Back awake. And... He's pleasant! He takes in trace amounts of water and Pedialyte
1:10 Why is the dog having a spazz attack?
1:12 Apparently she needed to go roll around in the snow RIGHT NOW.
1:30 Little Guy is napping on me now. Parents always say stuff like "I wish *I* could get this instead of them" when one of the kids is sick. But we all know it doesn't work that way. Your best case scenario is that nobody else gets it and it's over quickly.
2:25 Wake and barf. Some of it made it to the bucket!
2:30 - 3:00 Cleanup.
3:05 I worry that I might be coming down with it, too. I call in reinforcements.
4:15 Everyone home now. Another round of barfing from the Little Guy. This time, ALL of it makes it into the bucket.
4:30 He's drinking something now. This is an improvement.
5:10 More barfies.
5:15 Diaper is wet. Good sign.
5:27 And now the dog is barfing. OH HELL NO. Thankfully there is another adult here now to help (Hi Honey!)
5:40 Whole bunch more barfing. Is this the last of it? I hope this is the last of it.
6:50 Little Guy appears to be hungry for basic foods. He appears to be making a come back. Outstanding.
8:20 The Small People are in bed. We seem to have achieved a relative level of stability. As of this writing, I have not come down with anything myself. And everything has been coated with three layers of Lysol.
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