Daddy Wednesday
After 13 weeks at home with the new baby, my wife is going back to work part time. I'll be taking Wednesdays off to help out with the transition and get a little bonding time in with Kid #2 (Little D).
Here's my running diary of the first Daddy Wednesday with Kid #2.
6:20 Up to let the dog out. Kid #1 hears me shortly after and wants to get up, too.
6:30 - 7:05 Getting Kid #1 dressed. This should normally be a 10 minute job. Not a good sign of things to come.
7:25 We're off to a great start. Kid #1 has epic meltdown because he can't have Valentine's Day candy for breakfast. Timeout.
8:15 Get Kid #1 to daycare. There will come a day when I can handle both kids alone all day. Today is not that day. One of the daycare teachers tries to steal Little D. I think she's kidding.
8:40 Home. Coffee (for me, not the baby).
9:05 - 9:40 The morning nap is just a rumor. Finally get him to take the first bottle of the day. He obviously prefers "on tap".
10:00 Little D seems to like "Flight of the Conchords" reruns more than "Louie". He's not big on pathos.
10:00 - 10:28 Staring at each other.
10:30 HUNGRY.
11:02 He falls asleep in my arms. I sneeze immediately after and wake him up again. Dammit.
11:28 I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Yikes.
11:31 - 11:33 Shave, shower, take the dog out.
11:50 Find myself talking to the TV.
11:53 First attempt at my own lunch.
11:55 - 12:15 We play the game where I walk him around and he cries when I stop moving. Nobody wins.
12:45 Happy fun smile time.
1:00 Second attempt at lunch.
1:20 "Could you please take a nap for Daddy?" He just smiles and laughs at me.
1:40 Nap. Finally. (I also pass out for 20 minutes.)
2:20 HUNGRY.
2:40 Back to sleep.
4:30 Holy crap, still sleeping.
5:05 Up from the Epic Late Afternoon Nap. No longer fighting me on the bottle. Chatty.
5:15 Little D can't stop staring at his hands. They must be awesome...
5:35 Reinforcements arrive. Phew.
6:00 - 8:00 Dinner. Wresting. Baths. Stories. Bedtime for the boys.
9:30 I pass out on the couch (about 45 minutes before my normal bedtime).