Ten Thoughts for my Friends Without Children Yet1) There is no dignity in parenting. You will be covered in a variety of bodily fluids in the first year.
2) Buy a
Tivo. Otherwise you'll miss out on just about everything. And then watch in horror later as it gets filled up with episodes of "Sesame Street" and "Yo
Gabba Gabba!".
3) Daycare isn't a bad thing. We've had a very positive experience with it. And it's great for their social skills.
4) Buy a good washing machine. You'll be doing more laundry than you've ever done in your life. Ever.
5) Going out to a movie will now require roughly the same amount of planning as the Invasion of Normandy.
6) Time passes differently after you have kids. Being a parent changes your brain structure. I have no idea what just happened to the last 20 months or so.
7) Kids are more resilient than you think. I have to constantly reminded myself of this.
8) Read to your kid.
9) None of these recommendations may apply to you. Just figure out what works and go with it.
10) Being a parent is the hardest thing I've ever done. It's also the best thing I've ever done.