Thursday, July 10, 2008

Holodeck Tech Support

Umm... Hello? This is Chief O'Brien... calling from The Enterprise, customer number 42799. I believe we've spoken on the subspace channel before. We're... uh... still having problems with our Holodeck, even after putting in the latest service pack like you suggested.

I mean, it's one thing if Lieutenant Barclay gets himself stuck in the damn thing for hours at a time. But last week, one of our crew members got himself shot in the leg. Apparently the safety protocols somehow got turned off for some gangster program. Heck, we've even had Holodeck characters come to life, leave the Holodeck and think they were real people. That doesn't even make any sense. How does that happen? Are any of your other customers having these problems?

We've tried rebooting it. We've applied the latest patches and hot fixes. It's still causing problems. If it's something you can't repair, the Captain says he'll have the whole thing ripped out next time we dock.

So, uh, if you could give as a call back as soon as possible to set up a tech support visit on site, that would be much appreciated.

Once again... O'Brien... Enterprise... Customer number 42799.

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