Thursday, September 07, 2006

I told you that bitch crazy...

Our dog is strange.

Where other dogs I've had tend to spit out pills (even if you wrap them up in treats), this dog eats them straight up. Chews them down willingly. At first we were putting them in her mouth and holding it shut until she swallowed, but we soon discovered there was really no need. She'll eat anything.

She also doesn't bark. I know she's CAPABLE of barking because she'll do it in her sleep once in a while. But she doesn't bark at other dogs or cats while we're out walking. She's somewhat interested in birds, but never barks at them. When the neighbor's dogs (all three of them) are barking their heads off, she's mostly disinterested. She doesn't even bark at the vacuum cleaner.

She doesn't seem to grow proportionally. She's growing fast (she was up to 37 pounds last week), but some parts seem to be growing faster than others. Last week, her feet grew. This week, her tail doubled in size. Weird stuff.

She's also started doing things that, while I don't want to encourage, I'm certainly impressed with on some level. After having a few indoor baths, she now realizes that water comes out of the tub. When her water dish is empty, she picks it up and brings it into the bathroom (and actually jumps into the tub with it) (this one isn't so much "strange" as it is "interesting"). God help us if she figures out how to turn on the water...


Joel said...

Otis mostly ignores the existence of other dogs unless they are Labs or Goldens.

CraniumBoy said...

Olive and Jack will eat pilly happily, too, whereas my old dog Shamus was as adept at avoiding medication as an institutionalized schizophrenic.

Olive will also bark to let you know her water dish is empty, and it's a completely different bark than her warning bark.