Monday, May 08, 2006


I saw a coyote in the back yard last week.

Needless to say, I was a little scared.

It was right around dusk. I was tossing some dead branches down the hill in the back yard. It saw me before I saw it.

I heard leaves rustling and I looked up. It was already taking off. All I saw was the head and tail, but it was no more than 20 feet away from me. It looked like a tan husky.

I back peddled a few steps then turned and ran. No use in hanging out to see if he was coming back.

So we get coyotes in the area. Good to know.


CraniumBoy said...

Yeah, that's important if you're going to get a dog.

Amanda and I saw a coyote on Blackstone Boulevard late one night as we were leaving Providence, so they're not just suburban.

Anonymous said...

I'm not so afraid of the urban coyotes because you can hear their wallet chain rattle as they approach you to talk about how Franz Ferdinand's demo blew away their first major label release.

CraniumBoy said...

I think you're confusing Canis latrans with Hipsterus trivians.

Jen said...

May I refer you to Hipster Bingo?