Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Ou sont le prophylactics?

One more Buffalo story... We took the drive over to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls for a little shopping adventure the day before we left Buffalo. We stopped at Canadian Tire (which, of course, carries not only tires... but other necessities like toasters, snow shovels, and hockey sticks) and Wal-Mart.

Wal-Mart in Canada is mostly the same as Wal-Mart here. But the little differences are jarring. Their items, remarkable similar to those available in the States, claim to be "Made in Canada." There are little maple leafs all over the place. And things like your licensed Homer Simpson t-shirt comes in both English and French.

Codeine is an over-the-counter drug in Canada. They sell it at Wal-Mart. Or so I've heard.

While I was in the pharmacy department, I also noticed a cute little blonde girl buying two giant boxes of condoms (like, the big, 36 pack boxes). At least I know now what Canadians are doing to keep warm this winter. You need to find something to do with no hockey.

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