Saturday, August 14, 2004

Fish Update

We added a three new fish to the aquarium recently. We've wanted to get a couple of bottom feeders to help clean things up, but we needed to make sure their mouths were smaller than the remaining baby fish.
We got two catfish looking guys (bottom feeders) and an otocinclus (and algae eater).

The two catfish spent the first few days exploring the area. They seemed a little skeptical of their new surroundings, and stayed close to each other. Unfortunately, one of them didn't make it. It's too bad, because they were pretty funny swimming around in formation. The remaining one is going strong.

The algae eater has been a great addition. He eats himself to exhaustion. He just sticks himself to the side of the tank or a rock and sucks the area clean. The tank has never looked so good.

Baby fish - we've got 3 baby fish left (we lost one of the small ones - rest in peace, little fishy). The remaining baby fish seem to get along OK with the new additions. However, they've become picky eaters somewhere along the way (we feed them a brightly colored tropical fish flake mix). They'll eat the yellow flakes, but not the red flakes. Hmmm...

Total fish right now: 8.

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